Liz works with professional and semi-professional writers, helping them to refine and sculpt their work for publication. She considers the writer-editor relationship a partnership, and the perfect partner for her editing skills is someone who welcomes a fresh perspective on their work, who enjoys the give-and-take that is vital for enhancing and improving each piece of writing, and understands that more hard work often comes after an editorial review. Contact Liz if you are interested in working with her.
John Straley
"Liz is a Queen of an editor. She knows what I want to say, even when I don't."
John Straley, Alaska Writer Laureate, author of three volumes of poetry and ten crime novels, including The Woman Who Married a Bear and Baby's First Felony.
Richard Nelson
"I've worked with Liz McKenzie for many years on countless projects. I tremendously appreciate her gift for picking out clumsy language that's invisible to me, and for suggesting words that are clearer, more accurate, or lovelier. Liz is a natural teacher, a poet with an eye for brevity, a fine creative writer. She has a gift for elevating an author's game, not just by fixing mistakes but by showing you how to avoid them in the first place, and for finding new approaches when what you have written just isn't working. I appreciate her gentle straightforwardness, her supportive approach...and she's a pure pleasure to work with."
Richard Nelson, Alaska Writer Laureate, host of Encounters Radio, author of The Island Within, Make Prayers to the Raven, Hunters of the Northern Ice, and Hunters of the Northern Forest.
Book Designers and Publishers
Carolyn Servid, Sitka Willow Consulting, Editing and Design
"If you’re looking for a careful, thoughtful, candid, and encouraging editor for your writing project, Liz McKenzie is an excellent choice. She has honed her editing skills through years of teaching, writing, and reading widely, and has a special knack for helping you say what you want to say with more clarity and confidence, all while maintaining your own style and voice. She graciously uses her own talent to help you strengthen yours."
Carolyn Servid, Sitka Willow Consulting, Editing, and Design
Ed Ricketts from Cannery Row to Sitka Alaska, Shorefast Editions
"Working with Liz McKenzie on Ed Ricketts from Cannery Row to Sitka, Alaska was an absolute pleasure. Her clear insights and skillful editing tightened up the entire book - making it that much more accessible for an audience as diverse and interesting as the content itself."
Katrina Woolford, Publisher Shorefast Editions